Motor Development and Control

Group Study Course

This continuing education course is designed to help physical therapists implement evidence and content from Chapter 4 in Campbell’s Physical Therapy for Children, 6th Edition (available for discount purchase)- Motor Development and Control- into clinical practice. The chapter will be reviewed in detail so that the evidence and content lead to acquisition of new knowledge and clinician practice change. The course is divided into asynchronous online sessions and one three-hour in-person session.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Critically review Chapter 4

  2. Effectively apply the information from Chapter 4 (Motor Development and Control) in Campbell’s Physical Therapy For Children, 6th edition

  3. Select, implement, and evaluate evidence-based motor interventions for infants and children with an emphasis on these cognitive developmental concepts as a necessary consideration: the embodied mind concept, perception action theory, reaching, means-end, and object affordance.

Session Design

The four asynchronous sessions will focus on general background information about Motor Development and Control and related evidence-based intervention strategies. All attendees will be required to review these sessions and complete related knowledge assessments prior to the in-person session.

The in-person session will focus on effective use of motor development and control principles to guide clinical decision making for physical therapists. This session will be interactive and include case-based discussions and video along with opportunities to practice or observe sessions with children and families.

Suggested Course Schedule
Pre-course  |  View 4 videos and complete quizzes; Complete pre-course self-assessment
Session 1  |  Tests & Measures discussion (3hrs, in person)

Content Expert / Course Instructor
Regina Harbourne, PT, PhD, FAPTA

Individual Rate: $225
Group Rate (3-6 individuals registering as a group): $550

9 CEUs

Interest Form

If you are interested in taking the Motor Development and Control course, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!